By using this website, these terms and conditions apply to your use. There is also a Privacy Policy.
Cancellation Policy.
Euthanasia appointments cancelled by owner within 2- 12 hours of the start of the appointment window time will be charged at $110.
All appointments cancelled within 1 to 2 hours of the start of the appointment window will be charged at $150
All appointments cancelled within 1 hour of the start of the appointment window: The amount charged will be between $150 up to full cost of service, at my discretion, based on the distance already travelled and the location of the next place to get to/return to.
As a veterinarian I have the right to refuse to euthanase at any time. I only euthanase on compassionate grounds and only when I feel it is necessary. I will decline euthanasia if I feel it is not for the right reason, at my discretion. If I am unable to euthanase, I will provide details of other vets that may be able to assist in addition to providing advice.
Third Parties on the website.
I have no affiliation with the following listed companies and complaints should be taken up with them: the websites listed under Grief Resources and Dymocks. Enquiries to Pet Angel Funerals including payment needs to be taken up with them directly.
Travel Fees.
Travel fee ( not including Cancellations) of between $20-$90 may apply on occasion,at my discretion, due to travelling from West Brisbane.
There are no public comments available on this website and reviews that are provided are done so with approval of clients.
The content on this website is protected by copyright laws.